Graham |3 Months Old | Portrait Photography

Mr. Graham is 3 months already! He and his family are no strangers to the blog, I feel like I JUST captured their maternity and newborn photos! We had a beautiful fall day with Graham and mom Kristen (poor dad, John, was at home with a kidney stone πŸ™ we missed you!) but we made the best of it and still had so much fun! Β I’m telling you, this little boy’s personality is truly starting to come out in his expressions, haha. This kid is hilarious and I cannot wait to see him become more and more his own person as he continues to grow πŸ™‚Β graham-baby-portrait-photography_0001“You talkin’ to me?!” πŸ˜€ | Photo on the right — he’s thinking about giving me the bird…LOLgraham-baby-portrait-photography_0002graham-baby-portrait-photography_0003graham-baby-portrait-photography_0004graham-baby-portrait-photography_0005graham-baby-portrait-photography_0006graham-baby-portrait-photography_0007graham-baby-portrait-photography_0008Oh my goshhh these are my favorite. Look at that face and those beautiful hazel (may be brown?!) eyes!! <3graham-baby-portrait-photography_0009graham-baby-portrait-photography_0010graham-baby-portrait-photography_0011BUBBLES! πŸ™‚Β graham-baby-portrait-photography_0012Kristen, I’ve said it before but you are such a gorgeous mama!graham-baby-portrait-photography_0013I posted this one below on my facebook — do you like the color or BW version better? I honestly love them both and couldn’t decide so I’m posting both πŸ™‚graham-baby-portrait-photography_0014graham-baby-portrait-photography_0015graham-baby-portrait-photography_0016graham-baby-portrait-photography_0017graham-baby-portrait-photography_0018graham-baby-portrait-photography_0019graham-baby-portrait-photography_0020It only took me the entire session to figure out what would make this cutie-pa-tootie laugh…saying the word “poop”. I kid you not. This reminded me of the Friends episode where Ross and Rachel could only get Emma to laugh when they sang “Baby Got Back” LOLgraham-baby-portrait-photography_0021
Thank you Kristen and Graham for spending some time with me and letting me capture this growing boy! See you in January for his 6 month photos — I can’t wait! πŸ™‚
With love,